Tag: 10. November 2003

  • ONJava.com: Nukes: the Open Source Java CMS [Jun. 04, 2003]

    „We started using the PHP solution "PostNuke." It looked good on the surface, as it is heavily developed and has a wealth of applications and modules. However, when we put it in production, it just didn’t withstand the load. We went from 30 percent CPU utilization (with forums running and all) to a box crawling on its knees with 100 percent utilization, and response times in the minute range. It was unusable.“

    Nun, vieles in dem Artikel ist nachvollziehbar; allerdings könnten die angesprochenen DesignFlaws in PostNuke recht einfach ausgemerzt werden.

    ONJava.com: Nukes: the Open Source Java CMS [Jun. 04, 2003]