Category: Leben
Wilde Sauerkirsche
Manchmal wiedergefunden
Hello, hello, hello my darling, have we reached the end?
‘Cause when the stitches fall apart we’re hanging by a thread
Hello, hello, hello my darling, some things never change
When our words are dipped in gasoline, our love goes up in flames
I tried so hard to get behind your mental barricade
But every time it leaves me feeling damaged, torn, and frayed
Hanging by a thread
Hanging by a thread
(Billy Talent, Hanging by a thread)
Technics QD33 -> 1210-MK5 -> Dual 626
Glühende Überlandleitung
Nie ohne Projekt ™
Final Status Amiga 4000
Nach ganz viel Platinenpr0n, defekten VIAs (gesamt: 14 Stück), (k)einer 12V-Rail, CPU-Karten-woes und DIAGROM-Gedingse hatten wir irgendwann das Kickstart-Logo und kurze Zeit später einen bootenden Amiga 4000 mit 68040-CPU. Was fuer ein Ritt!
Es ist jetzt trotzdem ein Pi4 f. PIMIGA bestellt. Alte Hardware ist alt…
Karate, Schilleroper, blown away…
Brave, brave is a meaningless word
In the 20th century
Save, save for the times that you heard
When it means stupidity
Like, right now, if you could disappear
I know that you would
If you could start this year again
If you could, if you could
Caffeine or Me? (Karate)