bildweise 21c3, fotos

21c3 – chaos communication congress – fotos / pictures – 2004
berliner congress centrum
27. – 29. dezember 2004

Zu Beginn durfte Mensch auch ein bischen laenger warten:)
Metapher: Am Strand stehen und anhand der Wellen raten, …
…welcher Dampfer am Horizont vorbeifaehrt!
Interessantes Thema; im C-Base erklaert er, dass es sein erster Vortrag ueberhaupt war:)
b9punk, Berlin-USA-radio…
Rueckblickend kann man sagen…
“…und dann sitzen die da alle ganz still und langsam faengt der Saal an zu Lachen; die lachen ueber Code!”
Staunt und…
…wundert sich!
Erschreckend, absolut unbeschreiblich erschreckend!
Nein, ich brauche dein Telefon nicht um damit zu telefonieren; ich habe mein Eigenes:)
Joi Ito
Ueberzeugend; Themen zusammenfuehrend…
We need more sattelites; everybody should own one…
Blinken, Blinken…
Illumination und so!
Wosch, dieser Computer laesst mich ganz schoen kleben…
VJ – very good!
over – out
Mmmh, heute moeglich!
Protesting – Video
revilO – okaY – trebroN
Bloggertreffen #1
Bloggertreffen #2
Bloggertreffen #3
Switch to Windows?
mmmh, never:)
Finden, nicht Suchen!
/*no comment*/
Keine Fragen mehr…
C-Base starting with revilO – nitraM- okaY
Lichter, …
…da oben!
Und erst gegen 03:00 verlassen! Danke…



photos copyright ©

TPCI – TIOBE Programming Community Index

The TIOBE Programming Community index gives an indication of the popularity of programming languages. The index is updated once a month. The ratings are based on the world-wide availability of skilled engineers, courses and third party vendors. The popular search engines Google and Yahoo! are used to calculate the ratings. Observe that the TPC index is not about the best programming language or the language in which most lines of code have been written.

Interessant ist auch der long-term-view weiter unten auf der Seite!

J2EE: no longer required…

“So let’s look at the requirements for today’s corporate applications … Given these requirements, Java does not fare very well. Apparently what is needed is a language/environment that is loosely typed in order to encapsulate XML well and that can efficiently process text. It should be very well suited for specifying control flow. And it should be a thin veneer over the operating system.

Most Linux distribution in fact bundle three such languages, PHP, Python, and Perl … they have the necessary ingredients to meet the requirements of the next corporate computing phase of "text pump" applications.”

Den ganzen Artikel lesen… und sich hier weiter informieren! Und wir wollen “schlampige Software”!

The True Story of Audion

“Jobs wanted to know how big we were, and how long we’ve been doing this. He wanted to know a few more things that I can’t even really remember. I remember he asked, "Do you have any other ideas for apps you want to work on?" I replied, genuinely, "Well, we’ve got an idea for a digital photo management program…" and he replied with a simple, "Yeah. Don’t do that one." Everyone in the room laughed”

Der ganze Artikel


Template for Java projects

“Every time I start a new java project, no matter what size, the first thing I do is go hunting through my java directories looking for one to use as a template. Over time I’ve gathered some pretty useful ant targets and settled on a fairly rational directory structure. Today I got round to building a skeleton set of directories and files that I can reuse in the future. Here’s a tarball of the results.”

hackdiary: Template for Java projects

The Trac Project

“Trac is an enhanced wiki and issue tracking system for software development projects. Trac uses a minimalistic approach to web-based software project management. Our mission; to help developers write great software while staying out of the way. Trac should impose as little as possible on a team’s established development process and policies.

It provides an interface to Subversion, an integrated Wiki and convenient report facilities.”

Trac Project